2013 Ford E450
Price: $10,000
- Type:
- Mini Buses/Shuttles
- History:
- Used
- Mileage:
- 260000
- Location:
- Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Passengers:
- 16
Vehicle Specifications
Year: 2013
Make: Ford
Model: E450
Engine: 6.8L Gas
Body: Elkhart Coach
Mileage: 264012
Mechanical Condition and History
Fleet maintained and I can provide records
Tires: Fronts are 100% new and rears are about 50%
The engine and transmission operate well.
Brakes and suspension are good.
AC is cold
Backup Camera works
Stereo Works
Includes 5 sets of tie downs for the w-chairs
16 Seats plus driver
Physical Condition
Very good for the age of vehicle.
The seats and body are in very good condition.
There is about 12" of rust on the rocker panel under the driver's door.
Year: 2013
Make: Ford
Model: E450
Engine: 6.8L Gas
Body: Elkhart Coach
Mileage: 264012
Mechanical Condition and History
Fleet maintained and I can provide records
Tires: Fronts are 100% new and rears are about 50%
The engine and transmission operate well.
Brakes and suspension are good.
AC is cold
Backup Camera works
Stereo Works
Includes 5 sets of tie downs for the w-chairs
16 Seats plus driver
Physical Condition
Very good for the age of vehicle.
The seats and body are in very good condition.
There is about 12" of rust on the rocker panel under the driver's door.