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2004 TMC Trans International Front

Price: $0
School Buses
Byron, Georgia
Free 2004 AM Tran International front engine, 154,327 miles, high ceiling bus. Life threw me a curve ball and now I have no desire to work on the bus or even look at it anymore. Rodents got into the fuse box and chewed up the wiring harness. Seats have been removed, floor has been patched. Bought the bus 1 October 2020 from Giles County Tennessee. Bus ran perfect on Highway. I had it running at 75 mph and it had more throttle and power left. I drove it 257 miles and averaged 6.2 miles per gallon. The bus has been sitting since 2020, I was running it every month for the first year and then lost interest. Will need to be towed away. The body is in great shape. I have RV windows to go with it. It is registered in Vermont as a bus but it can easily be changed to RV.
Free to a good home!!!!!